The recent release of the leaked video of IBM CEO Arvind Krishna admitting to using coercion to fire people and take away their bonuses unless they discriminate in the hiring process has caused a major uproar. The video, released by O’Keefe Media Group, has revealed a shocking truth and sparked heated debates over the unethical practices of IBM.
IBM is a major tech company and the revelations of this video have caused a great deal of shock and anger among the public. In the video, Arvind Krishna can be seen saying “If you don’t discriminate based on certain criteria, you will not be eligible to receive a bonus, be fired, or both.” This statement implies that IBM blatantly disregards the ethics and values of society and is willing to go to great lengths, even resorting to coercion, in order to ensure that its employees only hire people based on the company’s requirements.
This incident has raised serious concerns over the power imbalance between employers and employees. With the ability to fire and take away bonuses, employers can put immense pressure on employees to adhere to their standards. This puts those working in the tech industry in a particularly vulnerable position, as they are reluctant to stand up for their rights and challenge their employers for fear of getting fired or losing their bonuses.
The video also exposes a major flaw in the hiring processes of tech companies, as they are often biased against certain groups of people. IBM has a history of being unfavourable towards certain communities, such as the LGBT+ community, and this video provides further proof that they are willing to discriminate openly. With the current pandemic, more and more people are turning to the tech industry to make a living, and it is disheartening to see that IBM is willing to engage in such unethical practices.
The blatant discrimination and unethical practices of IBM are utterly unacceptable, and the organisation must be held accountable for its actions. It is deeply troubling that a major tech company is willing to engage in such behaviours, and it is essential that we take a stand and demand justice. This incident is a clear violation of human rights and the company must be held responsible for its actions.
Furthermore, the public must speak out and protest against such behaviour. We must come together and raise our voices in order to put pressure on IBM and other tech companies to abandon their unethical hiring practices. We also need to call for stronger regulations and policies that ensure that all companies adhere to ethical standards.
At the end of the day, IBM’s use of coercion to fire people and take away their bonuses must be condemned. We must demand justice and accountability from the company, and take a united stand against these unethical practices. Only by coming together and speaking up can we put an end to such oppressive behaviour and ensure that all companies abide by ethical standards.