Ashley Tisdale on Why Her Wellness Routine Consists of Biting Into Lemon Wedges, Journaling and Coffee Breaks

Ashley Tisdale, known for her role as Sharpay Evans in Disney’s High School Musical, recently launched a new scent range in collaboration with her wellness brand, Being Frenshe. To celebrate the launch, she shared her top wellness hacks and self-care routine that helps her maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Tisdale, who has been open about her struggles with anxiety and body image, believes that taking care of oneself is crucial for overall well-being. In her interview with Being Frenshe, she shared her personal wellness tips and how she incorporates them into her daily routine.

One of Tisdale’s top wellness hacks is practicing gratitude. She believes that being grateful for the little things in life can make a big difference in our perspective and overall happiness. Tisdale starts her day by writing down three things she is grateful for in a journal. This simple practice helps her stay positive and start her day on a good note.

In addition to gratitude, Tisdale emphasizes the importance of self-care. She believes that taking care of oneself is not selfish, but rather a necessity. She says, “You can’t pour from an empty cup, so taking care of yourself should be a top priority.” Tisdale takes time every day to do activities that make her happy and rejuvenate her mind, such as reading, yoga, or spending time with loved ones.

Tisdale is also a big advocate for a healthy and balanced diet. She believes that what we put into our bodies directly affects our overall well-being. She follows a mostly plant-based diet and avoids processed and sugary foods. To satisfy her sweet cravings, she opts for healthier options like fruit or dark chocolate. Tisdale also stresses the importance of staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Exercise is another vital aspect of Tisdale’s self-care routine. She loves to stay active and finds different ways to incorporate exercise into her daily life, whether it’s a workout class or a hike with her husband. Tisdale believes that exercise not only helps keep her body in shape but also boosts her mood and relieves stress.

In addition to physical well-being, Tisdale also prioritizes her mental health. She practices mindfulness and takes time to check in with herself and her emotions. This allows her to identify and address any negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. Tisdale also believes in the power of therapy and encourages others to seek help if needed.

When it comes to skincare, Tisdale emphasizes the importance of taking care of one’s skin from the inside out. She drinks plenty of water and follows a consistent skincare routine to keep her skin healthy and glowing. Tisdale also stresses the importance of using products that are free from harsh chemicals and fragrances.

Tisdale’s self-care routine also includes unplugging and disconnecting from technology. She believes that it’s essential to take a break from our screens and be present in the moment. Tisdale makes it a point to have tech-free time, whether it’s during meals or before bedtime. This allows her to relax and spend quality time with herself and loved ones.

In collaboration with Being Frenshe, Tisdale launched a new scent range that includes a perfume, body lotion, and candle. She believes that scents have a powerful effect on our mood and well-being. The perfume, named “Wild and Free,” includes notes of jasmine, vanilla, and sandalwood, offering a delicate and refreshing scent. The body lotion and candle, both named “Balance,” feature a blend of lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint, providing a calming and grounding effect.

As someone who has been open about her struggles with self-confidence and anxiety, Tisdale hopes to inspire others to prioritize their well-being and practice self-care. She believes that small, consistent actions can make a big impact on our overall health and happiness.

In conclusion, Ashley Tisdale’s top wellness hacks and self-care routine serve as a reminder to prioritize our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. With her positive and uplifting attitude, she encourages us to take small steps towards a happier and healthier lifestyle. Let’s all take a note from Tisdale and make self-care a top priority in our daily lives. As she says, “Being Frenshe is all about being the best version of yourself, for yourself.”