Top 6 Vision Board Books for Kids (2024)

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy for children to get caught up in the constant stream of social media and digital distractions. They are bombarded with images and messages that can greatly influence their thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs. As parents, it is our responsibility to teach our children how to filter out the negative and focus on the positive. One powerful tool that can help with this is a vision board.

A vision board is a visual representation of one’s goals, dreams, and aspirations. It is a collection of images, words, and phrases that serve as a constant reminder of what we want to achieve in life. Creating a vision board can be a fun and creative activity for kids, and it can also help them develop a positive mindset and boost their self-confidence.

To help you and your child get started on creating a vision board, here are the top 6 vision board books for kids in 2024:

1. “Dream Big, Little One” by Vashti Harrison

This beautifully illustrated book is perfect for young children. It features inspiring and diverse female role models, such as Serena Williams, Mae Jemison, and Frida Kahlo. Each page showcases a different woman and her accomplishments, along with a positive affirmation that kids can incorporate into their vision boards. This book will not only teach children about the power of dreaming big but also about the importance of representation and diversity.

2. “Your Dream Life Starts Here” by Kristina Karlsson

This interactive book is perfect for older kids and teens who are ready to start setting goals and manifesting their dreams. It guides readers through the process of creating a vision board, with prompts and exercises to help them identify their passions and visualize their ideal life. It also includes inspirational quotes and stories from successful individuals, making it a great source of motivation for young minds.

3. “The Law of Attraction for Kids” by Jennifer Quaggin

The concept of the law of attraction may seem complex for kids, but this book breaks it down into simple and relatable terms. It teaches children how their thoughts and beliefs can influence their reality and how they can use the law of attraction to manifest their desires. It also includes fun activities and journal prompts to help kids apply the principles in their daily lives and create a vision board that aligns with their goals.

4. “I Am” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

This book is a beautiful reminder for kids to embrace their uniqueness and follow their passions. It encourages children to focus on their strengths and positive qualities rather than comparing themselves to others. With its uplifting messages and illustrations, this book can help children build self-esteem and create a vision board that reflects their true selves.

5. “The Power of Henry’s Imagination” by Skye Byrne

Imagination is a powerful tool that can help children visualize and manifest their dreams. This book tells the story of Henry, a young boy who uses his imagination to bring his dreams to life. It teaches kids about the power of positive thinking and the importance of believing in oneself. This book is a great addition to any child’s vision board journey.

6. “The Vision Board: The Secret to an Extraordinary Life” by Joyce Schwarz

This book is a comprehensive guide to creating a vision board that truly works. It covers everything from the basics of visualization to the practical steps of making a vision board and using it to achieve one’s goals. It also includes inspiring stories of people who have successfully manifested their dreams through vision boards. This book is a valuable resource for parents and children alike who want to learn more about the power of vision boards.

In a world where social influence and digital distractions are constantly bombarding our children, it’s important to teach them the value of positive thinking and goal setting. These top 6 vision board books for kids in 2024 are not only a great source of inspiration but also a powerful tool to help children develop a positive mindset and achieve their dreams. So, why not grab one of these books and start creating a vision board with your child today? Who knows, it may just be the start of an extraordinary life for them.