36 Days Review: SonyLiv’s Murder Mystery Starring Purab Kohli, Neha Sharma Is Overstretched and Predictable

36 Days, SonyLiv’s latest crime series, has been creating quite a stir among the audience. From its gripping storyline to its stellar cast, the series promised to be an edge-of-the-seat thriller. However, upon watching the series, it becomes clear that it suffers from a common mistake that many crime thrillers have made in the past – the unnecessary inclusion of tropes, just to add more characters and plot twists. As a result, the series falls short of delivering the promised thrill and emotion.

The series revolves around the murder of a powerful politician, and the subsequent investigation led by ACP Suhail (played by Ravi Khemu). The plot thickens when his colleague Inspector Jai Singh (played by Rohit Roy) is also found dead. In the midst of all this chaos, ACP Suhail is accused of the murder and is on the run to prove his innocence. With a plethora of characters and subplots, the series certainly has potential. However, the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

The first and most glaring issue with the series is the overuse of tropes. From the bickering married couple to the corrupt politician, the series has it all. While these tropes can add depth to a story, in this case, they feel forced and do not contribute much to the overall plot. This not only takes away from the main storyline but also becomes a hindrance to the pace of the series. The viewer is bombarded with too many characters and their individual struggles, making it difficult to focus on the main plot.

Another issue with the series is the lack of depth in the characters. ACP Suhail, who should have been the central character, fails to make an impact. His character lacks any real development and remains one-dimensional throughout the series. This is a major disappointment, especially considering the talented actor, Ravi Khemu, who portrays him. The other characters also suffer a similar fate, with one-dimensional personalities and no real depth in their actions. As a result, the emotional connect with the characters is almost non-existent, making it difficult for the viewers to invest in their journey.

36 Days also suffers from trying to do too much in a limited time span. In an attempt to keep the viewers engaged, the series includes unnecessary plot twists and turns. This not only dilutes the main storyline but also feels forced and unnatural. The frequent use of flashback scenes, in particular, becomes a tedious task for the viewers to keep up with. The series would have been more impactful if it had focused on the main plot and its characters, rather than trying to add unnecessary elements.

One cannot deny that the series has its moments. The action sequences and chase scenes are well-executed and keep the viewers on the edge of their seats. The performances by the cast, with the limited material they were given, are commendable. However, these moments are few and far between, and in the grand scheme of things, do not make up for the lackluster execution of the series.

Another major issue with the series is the way it handles serious issues like corruption and politics. These important themes are simply touched upon and not explored in depth. Moreover, the dialogues lack impact and do not leave a lasting impression on the viewers. The series had the potential to delve deeper into these issues and make a powerful statement. However, it chooses to take a safe and predictable route, resulting in a mediocre experience for the viewers.

Despite its flaws, 36 Days does have its positives. The series is visually appealing and has some stunning locations, giving it a cinematic feel. The music also adds to the overall mood of the series, keeping the viewers engaged. However, these elements alone cannot save the series from its major shortcomings.

In conclusion, 36 Days fails to live up to the expectations set by its intriguing promos and star cast. The series is marred by unnecessary tropes and plot twists, which take away from the main storyline. The lack of depth in the characters and their actions also hinders the emotional connect with the viewers. While it has its moments, they are not enough to save the series from being a mediocre crime thriller. With better execution and a tighter focus on the main plot, 36 Days could have been a much better series.